Monday, April 27, 2020


Another beautiful album just went up check it out if you have the time...


Good Afternoon everyone near and far.. 
I have had this blog for a while now like since 2013... ya I know that's along time and I had to delete a lot of things on here because some of my pictures got deleted on my computer so a lot of stuff was missing and it just didn't look good anymore so I am basically starting over. I was never really good at blogging this was just a site I kept all my handmade items I posted to ebay and such so with that said. 
I now have a new store on Zibbet its pretty easy to use so I said ya why 
So I will be posting a lot of new stuff in the upcoming months 
I have Mini albums, Handmade Jewelry up at the moment if you like what you see in the video below please subscribe and visit the link below if not that's ok too. :) 
love making new friends, and I love visiting blogs similar to mine with handcrafted items 
Thanks for stopping by friends 
Stay safe and healthy xxoxoxo Tanja